Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Classification Introduction
  • The subfamily Parandrinae Blanchard, 1845 currently contains ~100 species in 2 tribes. Photographs of 15 exemplar specimens are currently available for this subfamily.
Diagnostic Features of Adults
  • Antennae relatively short. Labrum partly or completely fused to clypeus or frontoclypeus, without or with incomplete suture. In some species, tarsi not distinclty pseudotetramerous (tarsomere 4 only slightly reduced and 3 hardly lobed).
Diagnostic Features of Larvae
  • Larva. Form cylindrical. Head with front margin of frons not projecting over clypeus. Antenna three-segmented, the apical segment elongate, cylindrical. Postcondylar carina absent. Subfossal process absent. Ocelli absent. Maxillary palpifer with outer margin rounded. Prothorax with posterior area of pronotum asperate. Abdomen with ampullae asperate; each dorsal ampulla with two transverse furrows, each ventral ampulla with one. Ninth segment long, extended; anal lobes glabrous and compact. Pleural discs absent. Legs with unguiculus imbricately spinose apically. Spiracles with posterior margin of peritreme with about twelve chambers which give it a crescentic appearance. Adapted from Duffy (1953).
Geographic Distribution of Subfamily Biology and Economic Importance
  • Larvae of most species develop for about one year in rotten wood. No species are known to attack living trees or firewood, so they have no adverse economic impact. Adults are relatively short lived, probably most living less than several months. Adults feed little, or not at all (summarized from Linsley, 1961; Lawrence, 2007, and other sources).
Selected References to Adult Specimens
Selected References to Larvae Specimens

Acutandra araucana
(Bosq, 1951); dorsal
♂ specimen
Photograph © N.P. Lord

Acutandra araucana
(Bosq, 1951); head
♂ specimen
Photograph © N.P. Lord

Acutandra araucana
(Bosq, 1951); lateral
♂ specimen
Photograph © N.P. Lord     Longicorn ID images on Bugwood ITP Node
Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel