Raoiella pandanae
Key characters
taken from the original description:
- opisthosomal setae f2 shorter than f3
- setae h2 finely tapered
- adult femora with four setae
- genua I-II with three setae
- coxae I with one seta
- coxae II-IV nude
- tarsi I-II with companion seta longer than solenidion, and barbed
- palp eupathidium finely tapered, barbed
India (Tamil Nadu)
screw palms, Pandanus spp. (Pandanaceae)
The taxonomic status of this species is uncertain.
Mesa et al. (2009) indicated that R. panandae was a suspected junior synonym of R. indica. However, there are apparent key differernces in the lengths of the lateral dorsal setae and in the host plant records that indicate that this could be a valid species. We have not been able to examine the types yet, and until this is done, the character states for this species will remain unconfirmed.
Beard et al. (2018) tentatively placed this species in the indica species group based on the elongate companion seta and description of setae h2 provided in the original description.
Beard et al. (2018); Mohanasundaram (1985)