Longicorn ID: Tool for Diagnosing Cerambycidae Subfamilies and Tribes
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Identify Cerambycoid Family: 1/3

In general, members of the superfamily Chrysomeloidea (families: Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Disteniidae, Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae, Oxypeltidae, and Vesperidae) are phytophagous beetles which possess the following characters: antennae without club, pseudotetramerous tarsi, emarginate eyes, and cucujiform aedeagus.

The four Cerambycoid families can be broadly defined as having the following characters: antennae generally long, antennae arising from raised tubercles, and pseudotetramerous tarsi. Similar groups include the leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae, Megalopodidae, Orsodacnidae) but lack the combination of characters listed above.

Family: Oxypeltidae
3 described species in 2 genera
distribution: Argentina, Chile

Beetle with combination of the following morphological characters: antennae serrate, apex of each elytron with two spines, integument with distinctly metallic coloration (blues, greens, and reds).

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Families: Cerambycidae, Disteniidae, Vesperidae
~40,000 described species
distribution: worldwide

Morphology highly variable, but NOT with combination of characters listed to the left, although characters may be present individually.

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Longicorn ID last updated 2020  E.H. Nearns, N.P. Lord, S.W. Lingafelter, A. Santos-Silva, K.B. Miller, & J.M. Zaspel