Eritingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
Type species: Teleonemia pacifica Kirkaldy
Body narrow and elongate, head short, clypeus not surpassing apical half of first antennal segment; antennae as long as the lengh of pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
; cephalic spinescephalic spines:
a spine on the head
present; bucculaebucculae:
an elevated ridge on either side of the first labial segment
closed anteriorly; rostral sulcusrostral sulcus:
shallow furrow on either side of rostrum (labium)
uninterrupted by a transverse carinacarina:
elevated ridge or keel
, enlarged on mesosternum and cordate on metasternum; pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
tricarinate, height of median carinacarina:
elevated ridge or keel
greater than that of lateral carinae; pronotal hoodhood:
term used to describe the modified anterior area of the pronotum, which is sometimes tectiform and sometimes bulbous, with numerous intermediate conditions.
absent; paranotumparanotum:
lateral extension of pronotum; may be carinate, explanate, or reflexed
narrow, uniseriateuniseriate:
arranged in a single row, as in uniseriate areolae
, reflexedreflexed:
bent or curved backwards, as in a reflexed paranotum
and appressed to the pronotal disc, spines absent along paranotal margin, anterior margin not projecting anterad; hemelytrahemelytra:
one of the basally thickened forewings of Hemiptera
with claval areaclaval area:
parallel-sided and sharply pointed anal area of hemelytron
weakly developed, almost entirely covered by posterior margin of pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
; costal areacostal area:
area of the costa delineated by the first longitudinal vein of the wing, usually running along the anterior margin
narrow, uniseriateuniseriate:
arranged in a single row, as in uniseriate areolae
; discoidal areadiscoidal area:
area of the forewing posterior to the subcostal area
level, discoidal cell extending slightly beyond the middle of hemelytrahemelytra:
one of the basally thickened forewings of Hemiptera
(Drake and Ruhoff 1962bDrake and Ruhoff 1962b:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1962b. Synonymic notes and descriptions of new Tingidae (Hemiptera). Studia Entomologica 5: 489-506.).
Australasian, Oriental (Drake and Ruhoff 1962bDrake and Ruhoff 1962b:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1962b. Synonymic notes and descriptions of new Tingidae (Hemiptera). Studia Entomologica 5: 489-506., Drake and Ruhoff 1965Drake and Ruhoff 1965:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1965. Lacebugs of the World: A Catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Bulletin of the United States National Museum: 1ndash;634., Guilbert 2019Guilbert 2019:
Guilbert, E. 2019. Lace bugs database -
Intercepted species | Shipment origin(s) | Inspected host(s) |
Eritingis sp. | Australia | Verticordia sp. |
Drake and Ruhoff 1962, Drake and Ruhoff 1965Drake and Ruhoff 1965:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1965. Lacebugs of the World: A Catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Bulletin of the United States National Museum: 1ndash;634., Guilbert 2019Guilbert 2019:
Guilbert, E. 2019. Lace bugs database -