antenniferous process: the socket in which antenna is inserted in the head; also known as antennophore, antennal tubercles, or antennal process
areola: a small enclosed space on a surface, such as an area enclosed by veinlets on wings
buccula: an elevated ridge on either side of the first labial segment
carina: elevated ridge or keel
cephalic spine: a spine on the head
claval area: parallel-sided and sharply pointed anal area of hemelytron
claval commissure: junction of hemelytra along clavus in middle of dorsum, posterior to scutellum
collar: term used by some authors to refer to the anterior part of the pronotum, which may or may not be modified. In this work, we avoid using the term "collar" and use the term “hood,” for the anterior part of the pronotum when it is modified
collum: collar
costal area: area of the costa delineated by the first longitudinal vein of the wing, usually running along the anterior margin
discoidal area: area of the forewing posterior to the subcostal area
dorsomedial spine: a single spine on the midline of the head
frontal spine: one of a pair of cephalic spines usually near an imaginary line connecting antennal bases
hemelytron: one of the basally thickened forewings of Hemiptera
hood: term used to describe the modified anterior area of the pronotum, which is sometimes tectiform and sometimes bulbous, with numerous intermediate conditions.
hypocostal lamina: a ridge produced ventrally along costal margin
interocular area: area between compound eyes
lateral carina: an elevated ridge located on either side of the pronotum
median carina: an elevated ridge located on the midline of the pronotum
occipital spine: a cephalic spine (one of a pair) located on the occiput or arising a short distance forward so as to be between the eyes
paranotal basal fold: a structure at the base of paranotum next to the callus of pronotum
paranotum: lateral extension of pronotum; may be carinate, explanate, or reflexed
pronotal carina: elevated ridge on the pronotum; may be unicarinate, tricarinate, or pentacarinate; see median carina and lateral carina
pronotum: dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
reflexed: bent or curved backwards, as in a reflexed paranotum
rostral sulcus: shallow furrow on either side of rostrum (labium)
rostrum: a beak or snout, applied especially to the piercing mouth-parts of bugs and elongated snouts of weevils
scutellum: a small triangular plate behind the pronotum and between the forewing bases
setiferous: bearing bristles, as in "setiferous antennae"
stenocostal area: area of hemelytra along the outer margin of costal area
tectiform: tent-like or roof-shaped
transverse carina: a carina that runs across the body or body part, as opposed to longitudinally
tricarinate: bearing both median carina and lateral carinae on pronotum
unicarinate: bearing only a median carina on pronotum; occurs when lateral carinae are absent
uniseriate: arranged in a single row, as in uniseriate areolae