

Kalama Puton, 1876

Campylostira (Kalama) Puton, 1876

Kalama: PĂ©ricart, 1982

Type species: Campylostira (Kalama) coquereli Puton

Diagnostic characters

Head long, clypeus surpassing apical half of first antennal segment; cephalic spinescephalic spines:
a spine on the head
present; antennae with setiferoussetiferous:
bearing bristles, as in "setiferous antennae"
spines; bucculaebucculae:
an elevated ridge on either side of the first labial segment
open anteriorly; rostrumrostrum:
a beak or snout, applied especially to the piercing mouth-parts of bugs and elongated snouts of weevils
long, reaching first abdominal segment; ventral side of abdomen without mediolongitudinal groove; pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
tricarinate; pronotal hoodhood:
term used to describe the modified anterior area of the pronotum, which is sometimes tectiform and sometimes bulbous, with numerous intermediate conditions.
bulbous, not extending over the base of head; paranotumparanotum:
lateral extension of pronotum; may be carinate, explanate, or reflexed
expanded wide, as equal to half of the width of pronotal disc, not oriented subvertically, anterior margin slightly projecting anterad; hemelytrahemelytra:
one of the basally thickened forewings of Hemiptera
with claval areaclaval area:
parallel-sided and sharply pointed anal area of hemelytron
weakly developed, almost entirely covered by posterior margin of pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
; discoidal areadiscoidal area:
area of the forewing posterior to the subcostal area
level, extending beyond the midlength of hemelytra; hypocostal laminae extending to the apex of abdomen (Froeschner 2001Froeschner 2001:
Froeschner, R. C. 2001. Lace Bug Genera of the World, II: Subfamily Tinginae: Tribes Litadeini and Ypsotingini (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 611: 1-27


Afrotropical, Oriental, Palearctic (Froeschner 2001Froeschner 2001:
Froeschner, R. C. 2001. Lace Bug Genera of the World, II: Subfamily Tinginae: Tribes Litadeini and Ypsotingini (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 611: 1-27

Interceptions at US ports of entry 1984 to 2018

Intercepted species Shipment origin(s) Inspected host(s)
Kalama tricornis (Schrank) Israel, Netherlands Lycorpersicon sp., Rosmarinus officinalis


Froeschner 2001Froeschner 2001:
Froeschner, R. C. 2001. Lace Bug Genera of the World, II: Subfamily Tinginae: Tribes Litadeini and Ypsotingini (Heteroptera: Tingidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 611: 1-27

  Kalama tricornis , dorsal view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

Kalama tricornis, dorsal view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

  Kalama tricornis , ventral view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

Kalama tricornis, ventral view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

  Kalama tricornis , lateral view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

Kalama tricornis, lateral view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

  Kalama tricornis  head, dorsal view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty

Kalama tricornis head, dorsal view; photo: Sindhu Krishnankutty