Tingis Fabricius, 1803
Type species: Cimex cardui Linnaeus
Tingis is a diverse group that is not well-defined taxonomically.
Head short, clypeus not surpassing apical half of first antennal segment; antennal segment I twice as long as segment II, cephalic spinescephalic spines:
a spine on the head
present; bucculaebucculae:
an elevated ridge on either side of the first labial segment
closed anteriorly; rostral sulcusrostral sulcus:
shallow furrow on either side of rostrum (labium)
uninterrupted by a transverse carinacarina:
elevated ridge or keel
; pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
tricarinate, height of median carinacarina:
elevated ridge or keel
almost equal to that of lateral carinae; pronotal hoodhood:
term used to describe the modified anterior area of the pronotum, which is sometimes tectiform and sometimes bulbous, with numerous intermediate conditions.
tectiform, not bulbous; paranotumparanotum:
lateral extension of pronotum; may be carinate, explanate, or reflexed
carinate or expanded, oriented subvertically, without marginal row of spines, anterior margin not projecting anterad; paranotal basal foldsparanotal basal folds:
a structure at the base of paranotum next to the callus of pronotum
absent; hemelytrahemelytra:
one of the basally thickened forewings of Hemiptera
with claval areaclaval area:
parallel-sided and sharply pointed anal area of hemelytron
weakly developed, almost entirely covered by posterior margin of pronotumpronotum:
dorsal sclerite of the first thoracic segment
; discoidal areadiscoidal area:
area of the forewing posterior to the subcostal area
level, reaching beyond the middle of hemelytra; hypocostal laminae extending to the apex of abdomen (Hurd 1946Hurd 1946:
Hurd, M. E. P. 1946. Generic classification of North American Tingoidea (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). The Iowa State College Journal of Science 20: 429-493., Cassis and Symonds 2011Cassis and Symonds 2011:
Cassis, G., and C. Symonds. 2011. Systematics, biogeography and host plant associations of the lace bug genus Lasiacantha Staring;l in Australia (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae). Zootaxa 2818: 1-63.).
Afrotropical, Australasian, Nearctic, Neotropical, Oriental, Palearctic (Drake and Ruhoff 1960Drake and Ruhoff 1960:
Drake, C. J., and F. Ruhoff, A. 1960. Lace-bug genera of the world (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 112., Drake and Ruhoff 1965Drake and Ruhoff 1965:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1965. Lacebugs of the World: A Catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Bulletin of the United States National Museum: 1ndash;634., Guilbert 2019Guilbert 2019:
Guilbert, E. 2019. Lace bugs database - http://www.hemiptera-databases.com/tingidae, Knudson 2018Knudson 2018:
Knudson, A. H. 2018. The Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of southern Central America (with an emphasis on Costa Rica). Master#39;s thesis. North Dakota University. https://library.ndsu.edu/ir/handle/10365/28773)
Intercepted species | Shipment origin(s) | Inspected host(s) |
Tingis ampliata (Herrich-Schaeffer) | United Kingdom | Cirsium sp. |
Tingis cardui (Linnaeus) | Greece, Netherlands, United Kingdom | Ilex sp., Punica granatum |
Tingis geniculata (Fieber) | Italy | Pistacia lentiscus |
Tingis reticulata (Herrich-Schaeffer) | Israel, Spain | Salvia officinalis, Salvia sp., Tilandsia sp. |
Tingis sp. | Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Nigeria | Adenanthos sp., Banksia ashbyi, Cola acuminata, Thymus sp. |
Cassis and Symonds 2011Cassis and Symonds 2011:
Cassis, G., and C. Symonds. 2011. Systematics, biogeography and host plant associations of the lace bug genus Lasiacantha Staring;l in Australia (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae). Zootaxa 2818: 1-63., Drake and Ruhoff 1960Drake and Ruhoff 1960:
Drake, C. J., and F. Ruhoff, A. 1960. Lace-bug genera of the world (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 112., Drake and Ruhoff 1965Drake and Ruhoff 1965:
Drake, C. J., and F. A. Ruhoff. 1965. Lacebugs of the World: A Catalog (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Bulletin of the United States National Museum: 1ndash;634., Guilbert 2019Guilbert 2019:
Guilbert, E. 2019. Lace bugs database - http://www.hemiptera-databases.com/tingidae, Hurd 1946Hurd 1946:
Hurd, M. E. P. 1946. Generic classification of North American Tingoidea (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). The Iowa State College Journal of Science 20: 429-493., Knudson 2018Knudson 2018:
Knudson, A. H. 2018. The Tingidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of southern Central America (with an emphasis on Costa Rica). Master#39;s thesis. North Dakota University. https://library.ndsu.edu/ir/handle/10365/28773