About this tool

Authors and acknowledgments


  • Skyler Burrows, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Chelsey Ritner, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Morgan Christman, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Lori Spears, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Allan Smith-Pardo, USDA APHIS PPQ, San Francisco, California
  • Steven Price, USU Extension, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Ricardo Ramirez, Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Terry Griswold, USDA ARS, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • Amanda Redford, USDA APHIS ITP, Fort Collins, Colorado

For questions about website access or functionality, please contact ITP (itp@usda.gov).


We thank Jessica Mullins, Colleen Meidt, Brooke Bagot, Joshua Hengel, Shaun Heller, Tevan Brady, Jeni Sidwell for their assistance with specimen photography, image processing, data uploading, document curation, and aiding with the creation of the Lucid keys. We are grateful to Harold Ikerd and Terrence Walters for providing guidance and support throughout the development of this tool. We also thank Laurence Packer and Liam Graham for providing key features and photographing the rare Megachilidae genera Xenofidelia and Eudioxys. We appreciate Sam Droege allowing us to use some definitions from the “Handy Bee Manual” in the glossary. We thank the following curators and museums for the loan of specimens used to produce this tool: Michael Engel and Jennifer Thomas (Snow Entomological Museum Collection, University of Kansas), Jerome Rozen, James Carpenter, and Corey Smith (American Museum of Natural History), and Stefan Fuchs (J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt). We thank the beta testers for their helpful comments and suggestions: Chris Looney, Sam Droege, Kim Huntzinger, Luciana Musetti, Gino Nearns, Zach Portman, Jonathan Koch, and James Zahniser.