
plant part

fruit type

pleurogram or pseudopleurogram present

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Fruit and seed: A. abrosperma F.J.H. von Mueller - top right seeds in situ; A. bicolor Moon - top left dehiscent fruit; A. intermedia Merrill - bottom dehiscent fruit.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. abrosperma F.J.H. von Mueller - bottom far left seed topography; A. bicolor Moon - top left center cotyledons concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), left center seed topography; A. pavonina C. Linnaeus var. microsperma (Teijsman & Binnendijk) I.C. Nielsen - far left center seed topography; A. pavonina C. Linnaeus var. pavonina - top far left cotyledons concealing radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), and testa SEMs; A. spp. - bottom left center seeds.
Fruit and seed: A. spp. - fruits (closed and dehisced) and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. decorticans P.E. Boissier - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: A. spp. - fruits and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. punctatus (M. Micheli) H.A.T. Harms - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: A. garipensis (E.H.F. Meyer) Torre & Hillcoat - top center fruit, bottom right seeds in situ; A. pechuelii (C.E.O. Kuntze) Torre & Hillcoat - top left and bottom center fruits.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. pechuelii (C.E.O. Kuntze) Torre & Hillcoat - top left cotyledons auriculate and concealing only basal margins of radicle (L) and embryonic axis (R), bottom far left seed topography, bottom left center seeds, testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: A. patens (W.J. Hooker & G.A.W. Arnott) J.P.M. Brenan - large image fruit cluster, top center 1-seeded endocarp segment, bottom center seed in situ; P. spicata (E.H.F. Meyer) C.B. Presl - bottom left fruit.
Seed, cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. patens (W.J. Hooker & G.A.W. Arnott) J.P.M. Brenan - top left cotyledon concealing all but radicle tip (L) and embryonic axis (R), bottom left seed topography, bottom left center seed, testa SEMs.
Fruit, seed, and fruit hairs: A. aromatica A.E. Burkart - center plumose fruit hair redrawn from Burkart, (1966); A. capitellata A.E. Burkart - top center simple fruit hairs redrawn from Burkart, (1966); A. lihuelensis A.E. Burkart - bottom center bristlelike fruit hair redrawn from Burkart, (1966); A. spp. - left fruits and right seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. incana E. de Vogel - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: A. reconditum A.T. Lee - fruits and seeds in situ.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. reconditum A.T. Lee - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit and seed: A. spp. - articles, broken and entire fruits, and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. virginica (C. Linnaeus) N.L. Britton, E.E. Sterns & J.F. Poggenberg - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.

Fruit and seed: A. sericea W.G. Craib - fruits and seeds.
Cotyledon, embryo, and testa: A. sericea W.G. Craib - embryo, cotyledons, and testa SEMs.
Fruit: A palembanica E.G. Baker - top left fruit; A quanzensis F.M.J. Welwitsch - bottom fruit; A. sp. - top right dehisced fruit.
Fruit and seed: A rhomboidea (Blanco) Vidal - top seeds in situ; A xylocarpa (Kurz) W.G. Craib - bottom seeds in situ.