About this tool

Copyright and citation

Copyright notice

Fruits and Seeds of Legume Genera of the World was developed by J.H. Kirkbride, Jr., C.R. Gunn, A.L. Weitzman, M.J. Dallwitz, and K.R. Thiele. See the Version History page for more information. The content is in the public domain except where otherwise indicated. We ask that appropriate acknowledgement is given to the authors and USDA APHIS PPQ ITP if the information is used elsewhere. For information on who contributed images (photographs and illustrations), see the Acknowledgement’s page.

Suggested tool citation

Kirkbride J.H., Jr., Gunn C.R., Weitzman A.L., Dallwitz M.J., and Thiele K.R. 2024. Fruits and Seeds of Legume Genera of the World Version 2. USDA APHIS PPQ Identification Technology Program. Fort Collins, CO. [date accessed.]