About this tool
Meet our author team
Dr. Z. Gloria Abad
USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Beltsville Lab
Gloria is a Senior Plant Pathologist at the Beltsville Lab and Adjunct Professor at Pennsylvania State University. She is an expert in oomycetes with an emphasis in Phytophthora taxonomy and nomenclature.
Dr. Treena Burgess
Murdoch University, Western Australia
Treena is an Associate Professor in Plant Sciences and the Director of the Centre for Phytophthora Science and Management at Murdoch University, Australia.
Dr. John C. Bienapfl
USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Beltsville Lab
John is a member of the Mycology Section at the Beltsville Lab. He has expertise in diagnostics of a wide range of plant pathogens, with an emphasis on Phytophthora species.
Amanda J. Redford
USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Fort Collins Lab
Amanda coordinates tool and app development with the Identification Technology Program (ITP) at the Fort Collins Laboratory.
Dr. Michael Coffey
University of California Riverside
Mike is a professor of plant pathology at UC Riverside. He is the curator of the World Phytophthora Genetic Resource Collection.
Leandra Knight
USDA APHIS PPQ S&T Beltsville Lab
Leandra is a member of the Mycology Section at the Beltsville Lab. She has supported the work of Dr. Gloria Abad for IDphy from 2016-2018.