About this tool



Joshua B. Dunlap, Department of Biological Sciences, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas

Mary Liz Jameson, Department of Biological Sciences, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas

Paul E. Skelley, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry/Entomology, Gainesville, Florida


Emmy L. Engasser, Department of Biological Sciences, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas


Amanda J. Redford, USDA APHIS ITP, Fort Collins, Colorado

For questions about content, please contact Joshua B. Dunlap (niceae24@yahoo.com) or Mary Liz Jameson (maryliz.jameson@gmail.com).

For questions about website access or functionality, please contact ITP (itp@usda.gov).


We thank the curators of the following museums for the loan of specimens used to produce this tool: Jim Boone and Al Samuelson, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu; Johannes Frisch and Johannes Willers, Museum für Naturkunde de Humboldt-Universität, Berlin; Max Barclay and Beulah Garner, The Natural History Museum, London; Keith Philip Collection, Bowling Green, Kentucky; Floyd Shockley and Natalia Vandenburg, United States National Museum (in Washington, D.C.); Brett Ratcliffe and M.J. Paulsen, United States National Museum (at University of Nebraska); Brett Ratcliffe and M.J. Paulsen, University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, Nebraska; Paul Skelley and Kyle Schnepp, Florida State Arthropod Collection, Gainesville; Dan Rubinoff, Luc LeBlanc, and Tiara Stark, University of Hawaii-Manoa; Jesse Eiben, University of Hawaii-Hilo; Bernarr Kumashiro, Hawaii Department of Agriculture-Honolulu; Stacey Chun, Hawaii Department of Agriculture-Hilo; Zach Falin, University of Kansas Snow Entomological Museum; Aubrey Moore, University of Guam. Jackie Baum is thanked for her role in developing distribution maps, testing the key, and archiving project images. We are grateful to Rachel Stone and Juju Wellemeyer for their assistance in specimen and document curation. We thank Terrence Walters for support in development of this tool.

We thank many colleagues for assistance in the field: Grant McQuate and Charmain Sylva, Daniel K. Inouye, U. S. Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center, Hilo, Hawaii; Rob Curtiss, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii; Darcy Oishi, Bonnie Dietrich, Mann Ko, Mohsen Mohamad Ramadan, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, Honolulu, Hawaii; Cynthia King, Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Hawaii.

We thank the beta testers for their helpful comments and suggestions: Jason Botz, Dan Clark, Dave Edmonds, Candace Fallon, Michael Klein, Aubrey Moore.