Edition 2 of Fruit and Seed Family ID released

ITP is pleased to announce the release of new content for Fruit and Seed Family ID. Developed in cooperation with Colorado State University, Fruit and Seed Family ID is an interactive tool that helps users identify unknown fruits and seeds to family. This tool should be useful for port identifiers and screeners, provincial and state departments of agriculture, university extension professionals, seed testing laboratories, and any non-expert with an interest in fruit and seed identification.

The first edition of Fruit and Seed Family ID covered monocot families. In this second edition the new content released includes:

  • 282 fact sheets migrated without modification from Family Guide for Fruits and Seeds (Kirkbride et al. 2006) representing both dicot and gymnosperm families
  • 44 updated fact sheets of eudicot families
  • 3,166 images for the added families

Future releases will include updates to fact sheets and images to reflect recent taxonomic changes to the family-level classification of plants and expansion of the key to include dicots and gymnosperms. Fruit and Seed Family ID joins ITP’s collection of 50 identification tool websites.