Nitella C. Agardh
stonewort, brittlewort
(adj) essentially worldwide in distribution
Nitella spp.
information not available
not weedy
see submerged
, plant-like, delicate macroalgamacroalgae:
(n) (sing. macroalga) large algae; seaweeds
Filamentous macroalgamacroalgae:
(n) (sing. macroalga) large algae; seaweeds
. Elongate, delicate, stem-like branches with whorledwhorled:
(n) bearing whorls; a type of leaf arrangement (phyllotaxis) in which leaves are in whorls
secondary branchlets; branchlets sometimes compoundcompound:
(adj) with two or more like parts, as in a compound leaf; divided into two or more subsidiary parts or orders, as in a compound inflorescence
and bushy; stipulodes absent. Oogoniaoogonium:
(n) (pl. oogonia) the female reproductive organ in some algae and fungi, consisting of a large cell that produces female gametes
produced in axils of branchlets.
freshwater; still and slow-flowing waters that are clear and usually alkaline
Nitella contains 224 currently accepted species. Taxonomy and species identification in the genus is problematic. Nitella and Chara are freshwater, multicellular, branched macroalgaemacroalgae:
(n) (sing. macroalga) large algae; seaweeds
in the order Charales that are commonly confused with flowering aquatic plants. Nitella can be distinguished from Chara because it is odorless and soft to the touch.