Schumannianthus Gagnep.
common donax, bemban, bamban ai, bamban batu
Southeast Asia
Schumannianthus dichotomus (Roxb.) Gagnep.
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information not available
(adj) of a plant able to live on land or in water
to aquatic herb, often forming thickets
Small to large shrub. Rhizomes black. Stems erect, round, ± woody, base and primary branches with 1-3 leafless sheaths, branching dichotomous. Leaves al ternateternate:
(adj) in threes
; petiolepetiole:
(n) the stalk of a leaf
short-hairy, ligulateligulate:
(adj) possessing or with a ligule
; bladeblade:
(n) (syn. lamina) the flat, expanded part of a leaf, frond, or petal (excluding, e.g., the petiole)
(adj) egg-shaped in outline; generally with the broad end at or near the base
to ellipticelliptical:
(adj) in the form of an ellipse (oval)
, glabrousglabrous:
(adj) without hairs or scales
; apexapex:
(n) the point farthest from the point of attachment; the tip (often pointed)
acute to acuminateacuminate:
(adj) tapering gradually to a point and forming more or less concave sides
; base rounded; venationvenation:
(n) the arrangement of veins in a leaf
pinnate. Inflorescenceinflorescence:
(n) the arrangement of flowers on the floral axis
a terminalterminal:
(adj) at the apex
, branched paniclepanicle:
(n) an indeterminate, branched (often much-branched) inflorescence; the ultimate units may be of a different inflorescence type
borne on a pedunclepeduncle:
(n) the stalk of a flower cluster or inflorescence
dilated at the top. Flowers in pairs: one terminalterminal:
(adj) at the apex
, one in the upper third, both pedicellatepedicellate:
(adj) borne on a pedicel
; bracts lanceolatelanceolate:
(adj) lance-shaped; widest point below the middle, tapering to the apex
, keeledkeeled:
(adj) having a keel; sharply creased
, apexapex:
(n) the point farthest from the point of attachment; the tip (often pointed)
acute, papery, deciduousdeciduous:
(adj) shedding of parts at the end of their growing period, as with leaves; those trees or shrubs that drop their leaves at the end of the season
; bracteoles small, fleshy, glandular; flowers white except for yellow on staminodes; sepals 3, lanceolatelanceolate:
(adj) lance-shaped; widest point below the middle, tapering to the apex
to triangular, apexapex:
(n) the point farthest from the point of attachment; the tip (often pointed)
(adj) tapering gradually to a point and forming more or less concave sides
; corollacorolla:
(n) the inner whorl(s) of the perianth; all the petals of a flower
basally tubulartubular:
(adj) (of a corolla, perianth, calyx tube or other structure) (1) tube-shaped; cylindrical: narrow and elongate with more or less straight sides; (2) having segments fused into a tube (of any shape)
, lobes 3, oblongoblong:
(adj) two to four times longer than wide, with +/- parallel sides
to lanceolatelanceolate:
(adj) lance-shaped; widest point below the middle, tapering to the apex
, spreading; staminodestaminode:
(n) a sterile stamen, not producing pollen; may be inconspicuous, petaloid, or showy
tube inconspicuous, outer staminodes 2, obovateobovate:
(adj) ovate, with the narrow end at the base
, petaloidpetaloid:
(adj) resembling a petal in appearance
, callous staminodestaminode:
(n) a sterile stamen, not producing pollen; may be inconspicuous, petaloid, or showy
obovate, vaguely lobedlobed:
(adj) divided into (usually rounded) segments
, hooded staminodestaminode:
(n) a sterile stamen, not producing pollen; may be inconspicuous, petaloid, or showy
shorter, narrower, with single laterallateral:
(adj) on or pertaining to the side of an organ or structure
lobe, suborbicular, fertilefertile:
(adj) producing viable seed, spores, or pollen; capable of reproducing
(n) the male reproductive organ in a flower, consisting of a pollen-bearing anther and a filament
with petaloidpetaloid:
(adj) resembling a petal in appearance
(n) a projecting part of a structure
; stylestyle:
(n) in a flower, the narrow and elongated part of the pistil between the stigma and the ovary
curved, with stigmatic cavity.
in swamps and along rivers
This genus comprises two species: Schumannianthus dichotomus and S. monophyllus Suksathan, Borchs. & A.D. Poulsen. These are harvested from their natural habitat to create patidoi mats. The flowers are distinctive.