September 7, 2017
The USDA APHIS ITP team is pleased to announce the latest addition to our mobile app collection: Antkey Mobile. Developed in cooperation with the tool's author, Eli Sarnat, and Australia's Identic team, this app is based on ITP's web-based tool, Antkey [...]
November 30, 2016
ITP is pleased to announce the release of a new set of fact sheets and images, Hispine Pests of Palms. This website focuses on the chrysomelid pests of palms, which are the most important beetle family that feeds [...]
April 7, 2016
The USDA APHIS ITP team is pleased to announce the latest addition to our mobile app collection: Hawaiian Scarab ID: Scarab and Stag Beetles of Hawaii and the Pacific. Developed in cooperation with Wichita State University [...]
November 11, 2015
The Bugwood Center (The University of Georgia, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health) and ITP (USDA APHIS) announce the release of a significant update to the end-user interfaces for four of [...]